Lyme is a tough one.  I would take the antibiotics that the doctor gives
him, which may not be enough to get rid of it if he has had it very long
at all, and also give him large amounts of CS.  One can give up to 100%
CS for liquids consumed.  If possible supplant with ozonated water and
either blood electrification or zapping, if he is showing any signs of
joint pain, or lymph node swelling, then mangetic pulsing the joints
and/or lymph nodes may be required as well.  Lyme finds lots of hiding
places and using only one method will often not get to all of them.  The
quicker and harder you hit it, the more likely you will completely get
rid of it.


Lynda Khula wrote:

> a friend of mine her son has been diagnosed with lymes disease he is
> 14 years old, anyone know how much cs his mom should give him .
> thanks in advanceLynda

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