Dear Group,

I had a very strange thing happen today - about 11 am.  Visiting friends for
a cuppa and chat, was sitting and I lifted up my left arm, when I went to
lower it it just flopped down onto my lap.  I did the same thing again -
same thing happened.  Then I found if I didn't hold my hand, my arm would
just fall off my lap and flop down by my side.  I could lift it up, but I
could not control it going down.

Now I'm not one to panic, I thought for  a few minutes.  I do have trouble
walking, my legs don't move easily, but I never have loss of control.  When
I get too tired I have some guarana or a mix of guarana and siberian ginseng
and I get enough energy to get going again.  As I had some capsules of
guarana in my bag, I took 2 [1 gram] and as it began to work in 10-15 mins
time, I regained control of my arm.  Can someone explain what happened when
I lost control?  It is now 8pm Friday and I've had no more problem.

>From the bottooom of the middle of down under.

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