Hi Wayne,

I have done some VB programming, but still consider myself
a beginner, so this is still probably beyond my skill level for programming.
C would be a much better language for this anyway I think.

If you could monitor the voltage and amperage of the circuit,
which should not be difficult, and then correlate the results
with tested CS solutions so that you know the exact concentrations
generated, you could easily graph the PPM as it was being
generated. You could also calculate the quality of your distilled
water from the inititial start up current as well as programming a 
specific colloid concentration to shut off on. It sounds to me like a
very worth while project. What do you think?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Wayne Fugitt 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 10:27 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>thanks

  Morning Damian and QuiteCove,

  >>CS, you will find current regulation un-necessary. Put an ammeter

    in series and you will see what I mean. 

     Yes, I do that from time to time to get the feel for each type of 
generator that I build.

    I shut my generator off at
    15000 ohms. Even if you were to run it to say 5000ohms you
    would only have 3.8ma @ 19 volts. Well under the 10ma maximum 

     I don't think I have run any current that high.  Usually I cut off at 4 to 
6 ma.

    If you come up with a good circuit to trip a relay
    at a specific milliamp current, and shut off the circuit, that would be
    most useful. I am close but haven't quite worked out the load side
    yet. I'd like to use discrete components, but I may have to break down
    and use a comparator...

      Seems this would be easy with a computer and the proper input output 
hardware and software.

  At my shop and office, I run a control system that logs temperature, 
sunlight, humidity, does event counting, has photobeams connected for 
datalogging, ect.    I control the heat in my office with this system.

  I have spare analog and digital channels.   I have thought of doing exactly 
what you are suggesting.

  My system is an RS-485 system, does communication on a single pair of wires.  
 I have the modules  all over the place and can in fact run and monitor the 
system from 3 different computers.  Often I have two computers communicating 
with the system at the same time.   Since this is a slow data system,  ( 50 
samples per second )
  I seldom have a data packet collision.

  It appears that one analog input and one digital output would handle this.

  I also mastered parallel port control so..... this could be done with out any 
fancy expensive hardware.
  All my software for this is written in C.  My main program is over 10,000 
lines and has run for 6 years without any problems.
