have you ever heard of CS helping cure bordatella in puppies? l have 
a friend that raises akc bulldogs and she recently lost 25puppies from 
it...they cant cough and get the congestion out so they all get pneumonia she 
said. Their vet says CS doesnt help this so they havent tried. >>

First off I'm surprised the vet said CS hasn't worked. Is that because hes 
used it or  just a guess. I don't know of any vet who uses or recommends CS.
One of my female cats, after getting pregnant had contracted bordetella from 
the male.  The vet put her on anti. and she seemed fine but he warned me that 
even though they look fine,  a month or two after that, with any stress, they 
can break again. Well.. the day she had kittens,  within hours, coughed and 
sneezed all over them. I truely thought I would loose them all.. but by the 
grace of god, they never caught it.  
IF MY kittens would have caught the Bord. you can bet I would have 
administered CS several times a day no matter what my vet said. What have you 
got to loose other than not trying it then they will die.
BTW, there is a vacc for bord in dogs and cats.  If I had the experience that 
your friend did, I would certainly try a preventative. CS would be the first. 
 Theres not many vacc I would suggest but after two of my cats caught Bord. I 
vacc the whole lot and we've never seen Bord after that. That was almost 5 
years ago.
Terri L.