Soup is good goop too? Both bullion broth and stew is good food?

Ken if you are saying that soup is only good goop and not good food then you 
obviously have not had any of my homemade veggie soup. ..:-)... Nothing better 
on a cold snowy day!!!!! Which I am looking forward to many of them this winter 
as our water level is really low out here this year.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ode Coyote 
  Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 11:11 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Why Study Ionic "CS" and CS Particle Size?

  I certainly acknowledge the possible benefits of large particles in the 
digestive tract. I would hesitate to inhale them...but...there is a study that 
traces elimination of inhaled silver dust by dogs resulting in 90% elimination 
in the feces in 30 days. [Phalen +Morrow 1973]
  Obviously, it hit the blood stream even as "boulders". 
  Humm... What happened to the other 20%?

  It's getting really hard to cling to any "right" way when wrong ways are 
getting hard to prove "wrong". :-)

  I guess it all boils down to personal preference.
  Soup is good goop too? Both bullion broth and stew is good food?

  At 10:31 AM 8/3/01 EDT, you wrote: 

    In a message dated 8/3/2001 9:42:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: 

      Subj:Re: CS>The Medusa Topic(tm) 
      Date:8/3/2001 9:42:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 
      From: (Ode Coyote) 
      Reply-to: <> 

      With most preparations that listers make being both ionic and colloidal, 
      [conducts electricity AND has a TE] the whole point of what it is that 
      works where is somewhat moot. It all works as well as it does wherever 
      however it's applied. 
      Color may be a moot point as well and for a similar reason. A colored CS 
      most likely contains both small and large particles, though, personally I 
      think it best to avoid really large ones and prefer to make the colorless 
      variety. It could be that a varient soup within a range might actually 
      provide some greater benefit. I dunno.

    Ken: As I mentioned in an earlier post, it should be quite easy to 
    if ionic CS has germicidal activity in the body. I think the implications 
    having greater knowledge about ANYTHING is beyond discussion. As far as 
    varying CS particle size to provide specific advantages, how about the 
    potential benefit of generating a large particle CS for intestinal 
    since ionic and small CS particles may be consumed in stomach by HCl? Roger 


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