Are we using a new name for yellow staph so we can forget this is an
iatrogenic illness?
Why would "MRSA" be more resistent to CS than any other staph? Any
"protocol" that worked up slowly in amount so as to avoid Herkheimer's would
make sense to me.  I'm an amateur and a believer since giving CS for topical
use to a friend who had an 11 month infection on a surgery incision that the
doctor medicated and "just couldn't understand" why she didn't heal. It was
gone in 3 days.

-----Original Message-----
From: kukurippa _ []
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: CS>MRSA - Help

I also have MRSA and would like to know if there is a specific protocol.
The MRSA is the reason I'm inquiring about methods of getting CS to the
intestines (my earlier post), because it was found in a stool sample.


>Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
>I have a friend whose daughter is diagnosed with this.
>She is becoming sicker and sicker.  I did a search of the
>archives and a few messages mentioned MRSA about a
>year ago - but nothing was said about a protocol for
>treating it with Colloidal Silver.
>Can someone help so I can pass on some encouraging
>information to my friend ???
>I have my own CS maker - A SilverGen CS Generator - that
>makes consistent 8 to 9 PPM CS (tested with a Hanna - PWT
>tester).  So I can make all the CS she needs.
>CS will kill it won't it ? ? ?
>Thanks in advance,
>Jerome Karl


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