I received this in an email and consider it pure bunk or at least the
part about the colloidal silver. How does one answer something like
this? The question was asked of Stewart Swerdlow. I changed the name of
the questioner.


Do you have any information/comments on the use of
colloidal silver as an antibiotic? Also, though you
say we should eat meat, what about people who have
high cholesterol levels which decrease when they
maintain a vegetarian diet? I'd rather change my diet
than take cholesterol-lowering drugs, which could
cause liver damage plus many other harmful side
effects. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. 

Stewart's Reply: Colloidal silver is poison in the
long run. People are turning up now who have been
taking colliodal silver for quite a number of years
and they are a gray/silver color, and they are dying.
The colloidal silver imbeds itself in the cellular
wall forever. In the long run, if you keep taking it,
hardens the cell wall so that nutrients and oxygen can
no longer pass through. It can be used only as a
topical on the outside of the body and never to be
taken internally.

As far as eating meat is concerned, the human body
needs it to replicate DNA properly and that is the
bottom line. People who have a cholesterol problem
need to work on the mind-pattern of insulating against
the happiness in life in the first place. Also, if
they eat wild rice daily and take niacin daily they
will never have a cholesterol problem.

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