I ask the indulgence of the List Owner for this cross-post.  It
is my first, ever, and probably my last.  My reasons are that one of our
primary investigators has been following  Dr. Nordenstrom's work on
"biologically closed electrical circuits" for some time----and is now
accumulating positive data.
            I, like my New Zealand associate, Ivan Anderson, feel this line
of endeavor to hold pronounced promise.
                Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivan Anderson" <i...@win.co.nz>
To: "*Silver-List*" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 7:42 AM
Subject: CS>More on EchT

Forgive me if I cross post this to just about every list I know. I think the
implications of these treatments and the theory from which they grew :
is enormous, and may lead to a re-evaluation of the mode of action of
various electro-therapy devices we are involved with.


International Association for Biologically Closed Electric Circuits in
The 7th. International Symposium  *  Marienlyst Conference Center,
Helsingør, Denmark
Symposium Coordinator: Ms. Karen Wedersoe:  e-mail:   dkisi...@a...
Registration and Accommodations: Ms. Pia Sondergaard; e-mail:

For Immediate Release

Progress of Alzheimer's Disease Halted?

A team of Japanese researchers have developed a means of detecting
Alzheimer's disease in the very earliest stage.
Using this important diagnostic tool, they have been cooperating with
five Japanese hospitals in developing a combination
of therapies which, if applied soon enough, enable a patient to halt
and in some cases even reverse the progress of the

To describe this diagnostic technique and other related topics, team
leader Professor Toshimitsu Musha, Director of the
Brain Functions Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan, will be making a
presentation before the IABC symposium to be held July 19-22,
2001, at the Hotel Marienlyst, Helsingør.

The title of Musha's presentation is: "DIMENSION (Diagnostic Method of
Dysfunction) a powerful means of detecting early Alzheimer's disease
by EEG."
analysis.  The efficacy of this new technique was recently confirmed
by SPECT examination at the National Center of
Neurology and psychiatry of Japan.  While the precise relationship
between DIMENSION and BCEC (biologically closed electric
circuits) remains to be carefully researched, it is apparent that such
a relationship does exist.

Another important invention from the Brain Functions Laboratory is the
"Emotion Spectrum Analysis," or ESA device.
The ESA makes it is possible to discern certain emotions existing at
the moment within the brain of the subject being
examined.   Using this device on a subject while driving a car, the
Japanese department of transportation has been able
to discover heretofore unrecognized roadside distractions which could
cause accidents.  The distractions, obviously, were
removed.   The ESA also enables the detection of degrees of comfort
prevailing within the subject.  A Japanese furniture
manufacturer uses the ESA to determine which particular furniture
design is more comfortable than other similar designs,
and then proceeds to manufacture the most comfortable of all.  This is
a fascinating and very marketable device which has
yet to be "discovered" in the west.

Area professionals or laypersons wishing to register for either the
entire three and one half day symposium, or full day
registrations for presentations of specific interest may contact:

Karen Wedersoe; phone:  +45 39 63 86 45; e-mail:
Ms. Pia Sondergaard;    phone: +45-33  31 08 47         e-mail:

Complete Program Information may be found at:

International Association for Biologically Closed Electric Circuits in
The 7th. International Symposium  *  Marienlyst Conference Center,
Helsingør, Denmark
Symposium Coordinator: Ms. Karen Wedersoe:  e-mail:   dkisi...@a...
Registration and Accommodations: Ms. Pia Sondergaard; e-mail:
International Association for Biologically Closed Electric Circuits in
The 7th. International Symposium  *  Marienlyst Conference Center,
Helsingør, Denmark
Symposium Coordinator: Ms. Karen Wedersoe;  e-mail:   dkisi...@a...
Registration and Accommodations: Ms. Pia Sondergaard; e-mail:

PicoTesla Electromagnetic Fields focused on Pineal Gland result in
Remarkable Improvements


Ten patients with Parkinson's Disease are being sought to participate
in a demonstration project to be held at Hotel
Marienlyst between July 19-22, 2001.

The IABC symposium, to be held at Hotel Marienlyst, Helsingør, from
July 19th through the 22nd will be filled with
surprises.  Not only will presenters be discussing the application of
electrochemical therapy to cancer, a thoroughly
researched and generally accepted cancer therapy available all over
China, but also there will be two remarkable
demonstrations of therapies proven effective in treating Parkinson's
Disease and Macular Degeneration.

Beginning in the mid-eighties a long term research project was begun
by Professor Photios Anninos, Director of the
Department of Medical Physics at the Democritus University of Thrace,
Alexandroupolis, Greece.   Anninos believed that
by focusing extremely weak electromagnetic fields on a patients pineal
gland it could be possible to positively influence
the secretion of dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin, substances
believed to be related to the symptoms of PD.  He was
correct in his assumption.  Anninos and a number of colleagues
(Tsagas, DerPappas) experienced a growing number of
successes in this novel therapy as shown by numerous anecdotal
articles published over the years in the International
Journal of Neuroscience.

This therapy is non-invasive and has no serious or lasting side
effects.  A treatment takes approximately ten to fifteen
minutes and the patient feels nothing.  Patients who respond favorably
to three or four treatments may wish to acquire a
therapeutic device to continue treatments at home.  After six months
of home treatments some patients have seen all symptoms
virtually disappear.

Professor Anninos has agreed to demonstrate this device during the
forthcoming IABC Symposium to be held at the Hotel
Marienlyst July 19-22, 2001.  Persons seeking additional information
or PD patients wishing to participate in the
demonstration project are invited to contact:

Karen Wedersoe:       phone: +45 39 63  86 45        e-mail:
Ms. Pia Sondergaard: :    phone: +45-33  31 08 47        e-mail:

The number of participants will be limited to the first ten
volunteers, although a waiting list will be kept in
case some decide later to opt out.

Area neurologists are cordially invited to attend the symposium.
Arrangements for hearing Professor Anninos's
presentation and witnessing the application of ELF therapy to the ten
volunteers may be made by contacting Ms. Wedersoe or
Ms. Sondergaard.

With regard to Finn's apparent disinterest in therapies for
Parkinson's Disease and Macular degeneration, I attribute
this to his unusually abberrant behavior which I discussed in an
earlier e-mail to Karen.  He seems not to be entirely
cognizant of the scope of BCEC as it relates to a variety of
electrical and electromagnetic therapies.

In any case, we definitely will include substantive presentations
germane to BCEC regardless of Finn's opinion.  Cancer
therapy is but ONE of several important developments .... and Finn
seems to be exhibiting a conflict of interest in saying
that the others are not important.   Do let me know if he continues to
give you trouble in scheduling the presentations
and/or demonstrations which are not cancer related.

Add to this the real possibility that Professor Musha will be coming
to the symposium and we may have more difficulty.
Professor Musha has not only been able to diagnose Alzheimer's disease
in its earliest stages, but also when treated
soon enough he and his colleagues have been able to stop or reverse
the progress of the disease.  This is great news,
and the diagnostic device developed at his Brain Functions Laboratory
relies on, guess what, "Biologically Closed
Electric Circuits" operating in the brain.  Clearly this is germane to
IABC interests no matter what Finn may say to
the contrary.



Ten Macular Degeneration patients are being sought to participate in a
demonstration project to be held at Hotel Marienlyst
between July 19-22, 2001.

The leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 65 is
age-related macular degeneration, or ARMD.  Heretofore very
little could be done about it except for taking certain
nutraceuticals, wearing sun glasses, and making appropriate dietary
changes designed to slow the progress of the disease.  Today, however,
a new therapy is becoming available which has been
able to stop and even reverse the progress of the disease in some 80
percent of patients studied.

Microcurrent Stimulation, or MCS, has been used in a number of studies
done in the U.S. beginning back in the 1980's and
extending to the present.  While not all patients experience relief,
in some cases the degree of success experienced has
been amazing.  For example, legendary American golfer, Sam Snead
entered a research facility with visual acuity of 20/100
in his good eye.  After four days of treatment his visual acuity was
20/30, good enough to hit the golf ball once again.

The MCS device used on the 85 year old Mr. Snead was the "Microstim
100" invented by Dr. Joel Rossen of Tamarac, Florida.
Dr. Rossen is presently seeking FDA approval for newer version of his
device, the Microstim 100i.  Dr. Rossen has agreed to
demonstrate his device during the forthcoming IABC Symposium to be
held at the Hotel Marienlyst July 19-22, 2001.  ARMD
patients wishing to participate in the demonstration project are
invited to contact Humlegaarden.

The number of participants will be limited to the first ten
volunteers, although a waiting list will be kept in case
some decide later to opt out.  One big question needing an answer is,
"Are there any side effects?"  There have been
no serious side effects experienced in the U.S. after more than
fifteen years of research conducted on hundreds of patients.
MCS is totally non-invasive and the Microstim is powered by a little 9
volt battery.  Statistically speaking, of
the ten volunteers to be treated, eight will respond favorably, the
two remaining will remain unchanged.

Area ophthalmologists and optometrists are cordially invited to attend
the symposium.  Arrangments for hearing Dr. Rossen's
presentation and witnessing the application of MCS to the ten
volunteers may be made by contacting the staff at humlegaarden. (
again fill in the blank) to make appropriate arrangements.




The IABC symposium, to be held at Hotel Marienlyst, Helsingør, from
July 19th through the 22nd is filled with surprises.
Not only will presenters be discussing the application of
electrochemical therapy to cancer, a thoroughly researched and
generally accepted cancer therapy available all over China, there will
be two remarkable demonstrations of therapies proven
effective in treating Parkinson's Disease and Macular Degeneration.

The IABC was established in 1987 by Swedish Professor Bjorn
Nordenstrom in cooperation with Chinese Professor Xin Yu-Ling,
founder and first president of the China Japan Friendship Hospital,
Bejing.  Nordenstrom, professor emeritus at the
Karolinska Institutet and former chairman of the Nobel Assembly in
Medicine, discovered the existance within the human
body of biologically closed electric circuits, or BCEC.  From this he
devised a new means of treating cancer using platinum
electrodes inserted directly into malignant tumors.  In order to
accelerate the rate of research on this new concept known
as "electrochemical therapy" or EchT, he sought and won the
cooperation of Professor Xin to embark upon a nationwide
research project in China.

More than a decade later Professor Xin and three hundred physicians
throughout China have demonstrated the efficacy of this
new and very successful therapy which has been applied to thousands of
cancer patients.  EchT is now becoming available in
Europe.  The first cancer clinic in Denmark to offer this therapy is
Humlegaarden, located in Humlebaek, and directed by
Dr. Finn Skott Andersen who, not coincidentally, is serving as IABC
symposium president as well.

Nordenstrom's theory of BCEC, while initially focused on developing
EchT in treating cancer, has many other therapeutic
applications.  Researchers in the U.S. are developing treatments for
neuromuscular conditions, and have successfully
developed a treatment for age related macular degeneration, a
heretofore untreatable condition.

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