Dear Bob,
Have you heard  or read anything about CG helping stenosis or severe
degeneration. of the spine?
I am desperately searching for answers for my mother.
Thank you,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert L. Berger" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: CS>making,using c/g

> Hi Aka,
> Ole Bob and his wife Audrey uses colloidal gold, and this is our
> with it.
> We both have knee problems, mine is due to insufficient cartilage.
> appears to be arthritis. We started with CG of about 3+ PPM a light
> color. After about 7 to 10 days we both felt a little relief, and after
> about 6 weeks I could walk without pain and Audrey could go up and down
> stairs without the use of the hand rail.
> Things were progressing very well until I change supplier to a CG that was
> reddish in color 8.6 ppm. In 3 to 4 days we were back to the original
> starting point. I them changed back to the lavender color CS and it has
> four weeks and we are just
> beginning to detect an improvement. Maybe if we had started with the red
> color CG thing might have been different.
> The lavender color CG is made by Bill Fernald's process and is reported to
> have particle size ranging for 60 to 80 nm.
> The red CG is said to have a 1.4 nm particle size, and made by a
> process.
> "Ole Bob"
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