Hello List,

As everyone should know, an email sent to the list by Bill Missett
with the subject of "Unidentified Subject", is yet again another
virus/trojan/worm sent to the list. Just for everyone's information,
any email you ever get warning of a virus that has been "classified by
Microsoft", is either a hoax, or a virus/trojan/worm itself (as is the
case with Bill's message). Both Microsoft, and Intel, never classify
ANY virus, as they are not in the antivirus business.

Please let me share with everyone what steps I feel are appropriate to
prevent the proliferation of these.

1) Everyone should have, and be running, a copy of Zonealarm. They
offer a FREE version, which works unbelieveably well! This software IS
IMPERATIVE if you have a broadband, always on connection, such as DSL,
or a cable modem. It is fully documented, automatically notifies you
of any updates, and will protect you from probes/netbios session and
name attempts/email trojans, worms, and viruses. You WILL need to tell
the software which programs are allowed to access the internet, but
have the option of telling it once, and letting it remember. Also, you
will get to see just how many probes and connection attempts are made
on your machine, which will probably suprise most people. ***** NOTE
***** If you go reporting every probe and access attempt to your ISP,
you will be labelled "the boy who cried wolf". These things happen
constantly. Also, Zonealarm will "quarantine" suspicious email
attachments, mark them with a big "ZA" icon, and warn you if you
attempt to open them. You are well advised to delete any attachments
that Zonealarm marks, unless you KNOW what the attachment is, who sent
it, and are EXPECTING to receive it. Zonealarm is available for FREE


Scroll to the bottom of the above page for the link to the free version.

2) Microsoft's Outlook, and Outlook Express, are the most vulnerable
email clients out there. By default, they will execute macros and
Visual Basic scripts. This is what causes all of the trouble. I know
that most people who use any of the various Outlook products will
probably not change their email client, which is why I recommend
Zonealarm. For those who want a more secure email client, there are
many of them out there. A few that come to mind are Eudora, and The
Bat. While it may take a while to learn how to use any of these
clients, they are all very powerful, and will generally protect
you from all of the little "email nasties" out there.

Another little note. While the hoax emails may seem harmless enough, in
reality, they are more than they first appear. These are usually
started by scumbag email "mass marketers", otherwise known as
spammers. Believe it or not, they use software to grab email addresses
as it passes across one of their email servers. This is called
"address grepping" software. While it may appear as no big deal, these
rats then add your email address to their database, and then sell it to
other "mass email advertisers". They are the scourge of the internet,
and the lowest form of scum on the planet. Some typical examples of
their handiwork are things like....

"If you send this email to 10 friends, "company X" will mail you a
coupon for $20.00 off your next purchase".

"Email this to all of your friends! Movie/book "X" is coming out, and
we need to put a stop to it!"

You should get the general idea. ANYTHING that has you add your email
address to a list of them is, for certain, the bottom feeders
harvesting valid email addresses again.

I really didn't mean to go on a long diatribe, but if this information
helps even one person, I believe it is worth it.


Best regards,
 Solar                          mailto:so...@neo.rr.com

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