In a message dated 9/27/2001 6:56:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> Subj:RE: CS>Feedback on list direction...
> Date:9/27/2001 6:56:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time
> From: (Ivan Anderson)
> Reply-to: <A HREF="";></A> 
> (*Silver-List*)
> To:
> Hi there Mike,
> I have always thought that the technical discussions should remain on the
> list as it is now...
> It seems a backward step to divide the CS topic into bits because it is a
> bit complicated for some. Life is like that. Better to have the complicated
> bits where everyone can see them and question them, or delete them as is
> their want. Because I know that interested people with little scientific
> background may be reading my posts, I consciously make the effort to define
> the terms and to be as clear as possible, in the hope that some may derive
> some smidgen of scientific knowledge which will make them better able to
> judge the scientific 'babble' that some sites present as facts.
> On a technical list, scientific jargon would become the norm, and
> accessibility thus lessened.
> Regards
> Ivan.

Ivan: I think you have a good point. The downside is that the debates MUST be 
conducted in a respectful manner, and (the lack thereof) has been Mike's bone 
of contention all along. If we were to have separate technical discussions, 
Mike has said would not be too concerned with participants' behavior. 
Earlier, I suggest starting the subject heading with "TD" which would signify 
a discussion of a technical nature. That way, ALL technical discussions would 
still be readily available to the entire list, but those who are not 
interested in (the present or all) technical discussions could simply hit the 
'Delete' key. Roger