I just purchased Energy Medicine and it is very similar, as far as I can tell from your description. Great ideas. I am going to give them a try!

From: "Nina Silver" <ni...@bestweb.net>
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>, <silver-off-topic-l...@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: CS>Re: positive imaging
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 16:36:08 -0400

The method is called the Emotional Freedom Technique, an amazing bodymind
system that intercepts negative reactions. After thousands of dollars in
learning various techniques, this engineer named Gary Craig figured out an
extremely simple way to eliminate PTSD, physical illnesses, emotional
blocks, etc.

The gist of the technique is that when we are negatively affected by
physical or emotional trauma, the meridians of the body get electrically
short-circuited. Gary figured out a way to re-connect the energetic
pathways, and in so doing restore the system to its integrity BEFORE the
trauma occurred. I use the word "trauma" very loosely here, to indicate
ANYTHING that short-circuits the meridian integrity. It can be a wartime
experience, sexual abuse, an illness, or the million and one thoughts and
fears that plague us and prevent us from living to our full potential.

The technique involves repeating certain phrases tailored to one's
particular situation, while at the same time tapping certain meridian points
on the body and in a few instances humming and counting. Gary is aware that
this may sound quite hokey to some, and addresses people's fears and doubts
every step of the way throughout the process. The manual is about 80 pages
long. Once you learn the order of tapping and where to tap -- it took me
only about an hour and a half -- you have it for life.

Gary's manual is FREE FOR THE DOWNLOADING on the following URL address:
http://www.emofree.com/freestuff.htm    If you can't access it this way, go
to the general website at  http://www.emofree.com/  , scroll to the bottom
and click on "FREE STUFF" and get the manual that way.

The manual is simple and direct, and easy to read. Gary is giving it away
because he wants to get this healing modality out to as many people as
possible. He does sell videotapes of the advanced technique, but it's not
necessary to buy them in order to do preliminary work.

With over 20 years experience doing various modalities of psychotherapy, I
can say that this is an amazing, apparently lasting, and quick method of

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