CS Gang, 

Many of us have been on this CS list for 1 to 2 or more years. 
That is why we are comfortable with the level of the discussions presented 
because of our familiarity with the CS subject.
Consider what a newbe would think if dropped into to middle of some
of these on-going threads.!  The archives are great for us experienced folks, 
but are not
the answer for a new person, as the archives only mirror these complicated 
and leave the newbe still lost.

It may be time to collectively put together a simple, clear Newbe FAQ list to 
get the
basic starting information to the new person. I think 20 or so questions with 
clear  answers
would be all it would take to get them started making good CS. (Isn't that what 
we're here for..??) 
Then, after final editing, we put a link to the "Newbe FAQ" page at the bottom 
of the page.
 Bingo, more new members making acceptable CS .!!

Comments, folks?
Tom Bassett

-----Original Message-----
From: cking...@nycap.rr.com <cking...@nycap.rr.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: October 02, 2001 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: CS>I'm looking for a helpful CS list

>On Tue, 2 Oct 2001 15:29:18 -0400, "JudytheK" <apea...@midcoast.com> wrote:
>>I joined this CS list because I expected to find people who would willingly
>>share their experiences and knowledge. I thought I would learn new things
>>about CS -- how to make it, how to use it, how to help my friends and
>>neighbors -- and of course I have. However, early on I  learned that the
>>old-timers had already discussed "whatever" and I'd better look to the
>Yeah, I hate that.
>If someone doesn't want to help, it's better to not answer at all than to say
>"check the archives"
>> Soon I realized that sharing with newcomers was not encouraged.
>>Often it was actively discouraged. 
>I don't believe that! 
>Cranky today, are we?
>>Personalities and points of view
>>flourished -- despite Mike's able job. So now I must ask, does anyone know
>>of another CS list I can join?
>Here ya go... http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/colloidalsilver
>> One that recognizes all levels of expertise?
>>That realizes newcomers need to be welcomed and supported? That is excited
>>about this marvelous substance and doesn't have turf issues? That doesn't
>>believe in sub-groups? Or am I just being naive?
>>Judy Down Maine
>Ya pays yer money, and takes yer choice!
>>The comment I read recently was -- "This created a "privileged class" who
>>were not held to our normal rules of behavior. The long term result was to
>>destroy the helpful spirit of our list
>>and decimate the ranks of our lay community."
>>Yes, I'm searching for that helpful spirit. I feel decimated (does that mean
>>one-tenth of me is damaged or one-tenth remaines?) I'm not one to run, but
>>I'm ready to -- and I am gravely disappointed. JDM
>Hope you feel better next week...
> Chuck
>Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!
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