Here is my CS FAQ that is in my client literature:

Colloidal Silver F.A.Q.

1. Q. What does "Colloidal" mean? A. The word
"Colloidal" refers to something which has such a small
particle size that when it is suspended (not
dissolved) in a liquid medium (such as water) the
particles neither sink to the bottom nor float to the
top. Since the particles have the same molecular
charge, they repel each other, which keeps them in
suspension. In the case of Colloidal Silver (CS), the
particles are as small as 1/7,000th the size of a red
blood cell, which makes them very easy to assimilate.

2. Q. What about purity? How long does Colloidal
Silver last? A. Colloidal Silver doesn't "spoil" like
most other supplements do. Since no organisms can live
in CS, nothing can make it "spoil". When CS is made
using the low-voltage method, over a period of time
some of the silver ions lose their charge and are
attracted to other nearby ions, where they clump or
"aggregate" together. When this happens, the CS begins
to change color as the silver particles become large
enough to refract light. Depending upon the batch -
how long it was "brewed", what kind of "starter" was
used, what level voltage and current was used, what
type of purified water was used, etc. - the CS may
acquire a color ranging from light yellow to dark
gold, or even a grayish cloudiness. None of this
effects the efficacy of CS. Even were the CS to reach
a color of dark brown or purple, it would not be
toxic, though it is believed by many that it is less
assimilable. When using the high-voltage method to
make CS, the CS solution becomes very stable, and this
"aggregation" is much less likely to occur, causing
the CS to have a very long "shelf-life".

3. Q. So CS is never toxic or dangerous? A. CS must be
made using water which is free from all minerals or
contaminants; otherwise, while it is being made, the
silver ions may join with other minerals in the water
to form various silver salts, or compounds (like
silver-nitrate, or silver-chloride). Some of these
compounds are thought to be toxic to the human body.
Generally, the best form of water is steam distilled
or de-ionized water.

4. Q. What about Argyria, the "blue skin" disease? A.
The reality is that there is not a single recorded
case anywhere of anyone developing Argyria from the
use of Colloidal Silver. What few cases are on record
involve the extended use over long periods of time of
enormous quantities of silver salts, meaning silver
joined with other, sometimes toxic, substances (like
silver-nitrate). No amount of Colloidal Silver has
ever been shown to cause Argyria.

5. Q. What is the best ppm to use? How much CS is
needed? A. The letters, ppm, stand for Parts Per
Million. Based upon reports from Health Professionals
all over the world, the presence of silver ions in
almost any ppm is beneficial to the human body. In
1996, Dr. I. H. Tipton reported in the journal,
"Health Physics", that the ideal daily intake of
silver was 50-100 mcg. He believes silver to be an
important trace mineral needed by the body like
chromium and selenium. Dr. Paul Farber reported,
"Information about how much silver may have been in
our ancestors diet is speculative; however, given the
authoritative report by our own government some 60
years ago there is reason to believe that
supplementing the body's intake of silver makes sense.
One tsp of 10 PPM colloidal silver .001 to .004
particle size contains approximately 50 mcg
(millionths of a gram). Therefore two teaspoons would
contain an equivalent level to that found in the USA
food supply of more than 60 years ago. It could be
argued that the amount taken to reach a level equal to
our pre-industrialized ancestors could even be more
than double that figure." Remarkable results have been
reported with ppm levels as low as .3 ppm. That's one
third of 1 ppm! Some CS producers claim to make their
product as high as 1000 ppm, using 10,000 volts of
electricity. But the beneficial effect appears to be
consistently positive, whatever the ppm or quantities
of CS consumed. Some people experience benefits
ingesting as little as 1/4 teaspoon per day, while
others settle on 1 to 2 ounces or more per day.

6. Q. What happens if I take too much? Can I overdose?
A. The only negative effect reported by CS users is a
phenomenon called the "Herxheimer effect", named after
doctor Karl Herxheimer (who identified this
phenomenon). Sometimes, when a person starts off for
the first time ingesting a large amount of CS, the CS
is so efficient at killing pathogens in the body that
the body cannot adequately dispose of the dead
pathogens through the normal eliminative organs, and
it resorts to the secondary ones, the lungs, sinuses
and skin. Or the CS user may experience diarrhea, as
the body tries to flush itself out. In that case, one
merely needs to reduce or temporarily stop the CS
until the healing crisis is over, and then start
taking smaller amounts of CS. A new European Union
Drinking Water Standard in draft form has removed any
limitations on silver in drinking water following the
World Health Organization's "Guidelines for Drinking
Water Quality" which states, "It is unnecessary to
recommend any health-based guidelines for silver as it
is not hazardous to human health." According to the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Poison
Control Center, CS is considered harmless. Dr. Samuel
Etris, a senior consultant at the Silver Institute,
says there has never been any allergenic, toxic or
carcinogenic reactions to CS. The U.S. Government's
Center for Disease Control confirmed that fact in

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute
RR1  314 Carleton Rd
Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
902-584-3810 voice
413-826-7641 fax service

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