In a message dated 10/4/2001 4:34:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> The question is how to go about this without stifling the scientific debate
> and the constructive exchange of ideas.  Part of the job description of a
> moderator is to intervene when the dialogue begins to spin out of control.
> Mike has in many ways run an excellent ship but I think his good
> nature has too often prevented him from asserting his authority
> effectively and enforcing basic guidelines for civil conduct on the list.
> When hostility and disrespect are not given the opportunity to grow,
> they cannot escalate and begin to dominate a list.
> Peter
> PS. Roger, your messages to the list are not easy to read.  It would help
> if you could adjust your word wrap. 

Peter: Mike has developed a new set of guidelines for technical discussions. 
I believe they will work. Let's give him a chance. As far as word wrap is 
concerned, I'll look into it. As a test, I'm sending this message directly to 
you. Let me know if you see the same word wrap problem. In addition, would 
anyone else who sees a word wrap problem with this message please let me 
know. Thanks. Roger