Patents/pdf/406 Ionizer.pdf

Re. this website I posted earlier. This is a new patented design CS product that
my husband's company
is representing. I want to make clear I'm not trying to sell them here. My
husband wants to know your
opinion re. its design. My specific question I guess is something like this:

1) Do you feel this design warrants an easier process to making CS overall?

2) Have any of you ever seen anything like this before?

3) Can you tell from the PDF file from the technical information what this
product is?

4) Based upon what the PDF file tells about the product, how would you guess it
would compare to
the normal process of CS wires hooked up to a positive/negative charge?

I have one of these contraptions and have used it twice. It seems to make CS
faster, however I can't tell
how strong the CS is. If I can explain in brief how you operate it: you push it
open or somethin on the dcvice and
drop it into a glass of water for 5-40 seconds based upon the volume of water.
I don't kow what what the ppm is supposed to be, but I am curious as to any
guesswork you might have.

It makes 10,000 litres per unit. (the unit is the actual contraction itself).
Once used up, it is discarded. It is a self contained until (no batteries, CS
wires etc).

I don't have full confidence in this thing yet and any comments you have re. it,
would be much appreciated.

Thank  you,


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