Colloidal Silver vs. Anthrax, the Bio-terrorism Weapon of Choice


We do not claim that colloidal silver treats or cures any disease. These
kinds of claims can be made only about drugs which have been approved by the
FDA. Colloidal silver has not been so approved. Please keep this disclaimer
in mind as you read the following information.

Our colloidal silver is a suspension of minute silver particles in water. It
has been shown to act as an antibiotic against many pathogens. It has been
used to kill bacteria, virus, yeast, mold and fungus for many years. Since
it is harmless, it can be used liberally without fear of toxicity.


The New War Against a New Enemy
Since the terrible events of 9/11/2001, America has been forced to look the
possibility of biological terrorism in the face and make preparations to
deal with it. It is no longer a fantasy of novels and movies but a real
probability, even here in the homeland. There are primarily two agents being
mentioned as likely weapons of choice by our deranged enemy. They are
Smallpox and Anthrax. Smallpox has been virtually eliminated from the face
of the earth by the successful vaccination campaign of the last century.
There are only a few samples remaining in a heavily guarded CDC (Center for
Disease Control) facility in Atlanta, Georgia. Anthrax, on the other hand,
is readily available, especially in the middle east and Asia in the vast
populations of wild and domesticated animals. Another name for Anthrax is
"wool sorters disease." The existence of this pseudonym is indication of the
ready availability of this deadly agent to the enemy. It can safely be
deduced that the subject of biological warfare waged by an enemy from the
middle east can be aptly be named "Anthrax Warfare."

What is Anthrax and How does it work?
Anthrax is an infectious, often fatal, disease associated with animal
contact (mostly farm animals) and which, today, is rarely seen in the United
States but still exists in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Anthrax is
caused by the bacterium, Bacillus anthracis. It is a disease of sheep,
cattle, horses, goats, and swine. Human infection, though rare, is an
occupational disease of farm workers, veterinarians, and tannery and wool

The disease has a skin form (cutaneous anthrax) and a pulmonary form
(inhalation anthrax). In the cutaneous form, the infection is transmitted
through a break in the skin. After lesions form and the dead tissue and
crusts fall off, infection may spread through the bloodstream and cause
shock, cyanosis, sweating, and collapse. The incidence is 1 out of 100,000

In the pulmonary form, infection occurs by breathing in anthrax spores. The
resultant pneumonia rapidly causes respiratory distress followed by death.
Meningitis can also develop. The incidence of inhalation anthrax is very
rare [assuming it is not intentionally spread]

Because anthrax spores remain infectious for many years, the disease can be
picked up from old animal products such as sheep skins, wool blankets, and
so on. Because the spores are long lasting and the incubation is short and
disability is severe, experimentation with anthrax as a biological weapon
has been common.

What are the Symptoms?
a reddish brown sore that breaks open and forms a scab
general discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling (malaise)
nausea & vomiting
shortness of breath
congestion of the nose and throat
chest pain
joint stiffness
joint pain
How is it Conventionally Treated?
According to "The Literature," this is the prescribed treatment for Anthrax.
Pay special attention to the prognosis which follows.

The objective of treatment is to cure the infection with antibiotics.
Penicillin or tetracycline are used for mild cutaneous disease. Note:
tetracycline is usually not prescribed for children until after all their
permanent teeth have come in, because it can permanently discolor teeth that
are still forming. Penicillin is the usual medication; however, it often
must be given intravenously.

Pulmonary and meningeal anthrax are usually (90%) fatal despite antibiotic
therapy and intensive care.


If an Anthrax attack occurs, the last thing to do will be to rush to the
hospital. You will not be able to get within blocks of a hospital as they
will be swamped with panicked people seeking the treatment which is only 10%
effective for the pulmonary (inhalation) form which will likely be used. If
you are in that line, you will likely die.

In my opinion, the better course to take is to avoid inhalation of the
ambient air and inhale, instead, an agent in mist form which is shown to
kill this agent on contact. I would also spray it liberally on the skin if
you may have been exposed. Such an agent is colloidal silver. We do not
claim a cure for Anthrax or any other disease because we are not allowed to
by FDA, but colloidal silver may be the best, immediately available
treatment in our opinion. As a preventive, I would also take it orally on a
daily basis, especially during this vulnerable time for our country. Yes, we
make and sell colloidal silver so one must consider our bias.

At this time, it might be a good investment to purchase a 5 gallon jug of
our high quality 20 PPM colloidal silver. It is an economical way to get an
ample supply quickly for use with the whole family and the many friends and
neighbors which may be caught in an Anthrax attack. You can make that
purchase now by going here and using your credit card. We have other offers
of colloidal silver products which you can see on our Order Page, here. If
you would like to learn about colloidal silver from the beginning, go to our
Home Page here.

If you are interested in more information on how colloidal silver is
reported to be a successful treatment for many diseases, go to our
testimonial pages.

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