Hi Dr Torres.

I Am very interested in your statement that, "We treated a case of canine
rabies injecting Microdyn (Or course in a isolated location under strictly
security control s), total resolution of the case."

I would very much appreciate it if you could share the details of this case
with me. How was the diagnoses made? Was the dog symptomatic or asymptomatic
at the time or treatment" What quantity of the Microdyn was used. Was it IM,
Sub Q IV? Was more than one injection required? What was the length of
treatment? Have you been able to duplicate this success or do you know
others who have had similar success. Do you know if there any documented
cases of curing rabies in humans using this Microdyn product, or any other
colloidal silver product for that matter?

I am unfamiliar with the product Microdyn. The only reference I've been able
to find so far lists Microdyn producer: Roland of de Mexico Asturias no.58.
Col. Alamos 03400 Mexico, D.F. tell/fax 538-2068. Is this the product to
which you refer? Do you happen to know if it is available in the US?

Have any attempts been made at treating canine rabies using lower ppm
concentrations than the 3200 ppm of the Microdyn product?

Feel free to respond to me off list if you would prefer.

LTR  }}:{(
Langsley T Russell
Bulloved Bulldogs

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