
 Your points 1,2 & 3 are indeed refinements.  To my knowledge CS
made with these "discoveries" in mind has not been PROVEN to be more
effective.  There have been a lot of opinions expressed and argued
but MOSTLY by folks with a vested interest in having their view gain
prominence.  I don't think we want to revisit the vender
insurrection that has been ably put to rest (hopefully) by Mike D.
and will not address the matter further. 

 4 & 5 are further refinements but only in the delivery of CS.  If I
use the (Gatorade, MSM & DMSO) protocols shared with the list by
Brooks Bradley  I can see no difference in effectiveness whether I
use tap/well water or distilled water to produce the CS.  The
increase in effectiveness is due to the REFINEMENT of the delivery
process and along with the use of a nebulizer these are IN MY
OPINION very important advances...but only in the delivery of CS. 
Whichever technique of CS production I use these delivery methods
get the CS where it needs to be.  

 AN ANECDOTE: The wife and I both came down with a respiratory
infection.  I produced two batches of CS using identical containers,
silver electrodes the same dimensions with the same amount of water,
constantly stirred.  DW in one and tap water in the other.  Each
batch was an estimated 15 PPM.   Using a nebulizer to deliver the CS
caused both of our  symptoms to begin to ease within the hour.  I
used tap water CS and she used the DW CS.  Hers actually took a bit
longer to completely cure because the infection was a day older.  IN
MY OPINION the important factor was the addition of MSM & DMSO as
per Brooks Bradley's instructions and not the CS production method.

 While I personally agree with starting with the purest base
ingredients and strive to share these views with everyone I
introduce to CS,  I am aware of no PROOF that anything harmful to
mammals is produced in any significant quantity when DW is not used.
 LVDC CS using tap water APPEARS to be just as effective as LVDC CS
using DW when combined with the Bradley protocols.

*** Note: All of the CS I produce is done by the limiting the
current density OF THE ANODE (Thanks to Mike D, Roger and the 14 or
so others that corrected me!!!) to 10 uA / mm^2 and using Bob Lee's
(Tai-Pan) starved electrode technique.  This technique was reposted
to the list on 11 October.

 As far as the "ionic vs particulate" argument goes, there APPEARS
to be enough of each form of silver in LVDC CS that whichever is
(more) responsible is almost a moot point.  Again, no one has
submitted PROOF one way or the other, only lots of OPINIONS.  Either
way I seriously doubt that the less effective form is in any way
harmful and question the need to accentuate one over the other.  

 CS works on what it works on!  Getting it to the problem area is
more of a concern to me than worrying about whether a single silver
atom (ion)  or a cluster of silver atoms is responsible.  I know CS
works because I have seen it work on dozens of different maladies
and conditions from genital herpes to conjuctivitus to salmonella
and more!  Why, just this morning our 4 month old kitten was
returned to her normal rambunctious condition after only 3
dropperfuls of 15 ppm CS applied directly into her mouth over the
space of 6 hours. For the past 5 days she had been losing weight and
unable to eat without immediately vomiting. She didn't seem to be
drinking much water so the CS in the dish wasn't the answer.  Would
one form or the other have returned her to health in only 3 or 4
hours instead of 6?  Who knows?  More importantly to me is the
question of who cares? 

 My reply which you took exception to was directed to the statement
made that ".you have to strain your cs with either a 1 micron
filter...or you can use 5 unbleached coffee filters".  This is
patently FALSE!  You may DESIRE to but there is certainly nothing in
evidence that says you MUST do this.  Let it settle and use only the
top portion if you desire.  The better way would be to learn how to
properly control the process so that nothing is produced that you do
not desire to consume.  When a batch "goes bad" for one reason or
another then use it externally!  Refine your methods and learn to do
it right.  

 As to your comment concerning "The Study",  I am participating. 
Because of my travel schedule, I am unable to lug around significant
quantities of liquid (especially these days!).  I have funded two
participants but if you feel that I need to participate further then
by all means let me know what else I can do.  

 These are simply MY OPINIONS and are immune to further arguments.
However, I do occasionally change MY OPINIONS when presented with
suitable PROOF that MY OPINIONS are in error. See my ***Note above

YMMV (your mileage may vary)

George Martin
Often accused of being OPINIONATED 
if not downright BIGOTED!

Main Entry: bigĂșot 
Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1661
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her
 own opinions and prejudices
- bigĂșotĂșed  /-g&-t&d/ adjective

On Sun, 21 Oct 2001 10:04:05 EDT, wrote:

=>> with our "refinements" is to 
=>> promote various commercial and/or egotistical interests.  It is
=>> whether anything else hasbeen done.  Those with different views
can submit 
=>> their proof. 
=>George: But I don't agree with the statement above. Below is a
list of some 
=>of these refinements just off the top of my head. Others can add
to the list.
=>1) Recognition that at least two forms of "CS" exist, particulate
and ionic.
=>2) Means to change the proportion of one at the expense of the
other at will.
=>3) The development of various processes that have a direct impact
on particle 
=>size distribution.
=>4) The addition of various medicinals that have a HIGHLY PROBABLE,
if not 
=>provable synergistic benefits, when used in combination with CS
such as MSM, 
=>DMSO, H2O2, Ringers Lactate, etc.
=>5) Creative ways to improve CS performance such as the use of
=>sprays, certain type of bandages, change in body position, for
=>holding ones head upside down to let the CS run into sinuses, to
help contact 
=>with infection when taken internally.
=>What's MISSING is a concerted effort to get scientific derived
data in a 
=>randomized double blind structure. Ole' Bob and I are trying to
initiate such 
=>a program, but it is difficult to get volunteers who are willing
=>participate in such a time-consuming effort. If you haven't
volunteered yet, 
=>perhaps you, and others reading this message, would like to help
us? Even one 
=>lit candle is better than cursing the darkness. Roger

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