Wow! Am I to understand that you were able to purchase this without a 
prescription? I JUST today visited a site where it stated "prescription 
necessary..."  which really bummed me out.  Let me know! So glad I joined 
this list... 


<< Subject: CS>A Couple of Results using's the Omron Nebulizer
 for $54.95.
 List: The Omron nebulizer arrived just in time for help treat the beginning
 of a sore throat (me), and incessant sneezing (my daughter). Sore throat
 "scratchiness" disappeared permanently after a few hours. Daughter's
 sneezing took longer to go away (12-24 hrs.) with several ups and downs in
 between, but very decidedly many more "downs" than "ups". We like it a lot.
 Question: How can they sell it without a prescription (THAT was the big
 question from my physician daughter as well. BTW, she actually apologized by
 flying off the handle about nebulizing CS -- good for her, but hasn't
 changed her mind). Roger >>

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