Hi Reid

I gave that bottle to my sister because I knew we'd make more CS here at home 
on our own. :) Certainly I'm not giving up on CS! 

I'll email my sister and ask what brand it is... that has the yellow 
coloring. Bought it at a small, local healthfood store. They had 2 or 3 
brands - I know Sovereign silver was one brand they have but it wasn't the 
brand I bought. Will get back with you on that... 


<< Laura,
 I think you should consider giving that yellow/ orange CS another
 chance, as it may be your life line to a future, when other antibiotics
 fail. (By the way, would you kindly tell us the brand name, where you
 bought it and other details? That would help us a whole lot in answering
 your concerns.) The yellow color has a lot to do with the size of the
 silver particles.
 There have been lots of rumors of food coloring here lately, and my
 guess is that this has to do with is-information from people/ companies
 who for whatever reason are deliberately doing their best to discredit
 colloidal silver. Some find CS threatening because it's a very
 effective, alternative remedy that can be very inexpensive. Please do
 not hesitate to ask the tough questions, since there are lots of smart
 people here who can answer these.
 I think the curiosity you displayed in buying the CS to begin with
 showed excellant instinct on your part. Trust your first instinct and
 you will go far.
 All the best,
 Reid >>

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