I put CS into everything liquid in my family - juice,
milk (keeps it from spoiling for along time), soup,
sauce, tea, use your imagination.

Remember, silver is a MINERAL, like iron or potassium
or selenium. It is not a drug, it is a natural
substance that our body needs, it is actually a form
of FOOD, or what is found in food (the same as any
other mineral). You don't have to tippy-toe around CS,
it won't blow up or spoil or turn into a monster in
your body.

We ingest all kinds of things that are far more
dangerous than CS could ever be, and don't give it a
thought. There are 100+ deaths every year in the US
from aspirin overdose, but people gobble it like candy
anyway. Anytime a doctor presribes a drug that damages
your liver or kidneys, we toss it down our throats
without a hesitation. (I use the generic WE here, not
the silver-list WE.)

In order to be objective here, I will allow that
drinking one gallon of 20 ppm CS each day for 20 years
might (I say, MIGHT) be a bit too much (though
personally, I don't believe it), but it would still be
far less dangerous than the accumulative damage caused
by the regular (even prescribed) usage of aspirin. 

Dr. Reams' son told me that every time you ingest
aspirin, you bleed internally somewhere in your body.
The body is quite efficient at healing those little,
unnoticed bleedings, so we don't worry about it. 

Why am I singling out aspirin? Actually, I'm not.
Aspirin is merely representative of a whole list of
toxic substances we eat, drink, breathe and spread on
our skin each day.

Of all the substances you might be careful about
using, CS is last on the list.

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute
RR1  314 Carleton Rd
Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
902-584-3810 voice
413-826-7641 fax service

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