Thanks Mike for the good referee you are. Come on
folks, lets not be silly and get divided when we
can all focus on the positives of our mutual
pilgrimage. Sorry for opening the can of whatever
it was that got some of you going - - - oops. :-))

Take care and God bless,
John in Homestead

I'm not eager to split off another group.

As long as folks don't choose to get offended that
somebody else is
*only* worried about a pet or livestock animal, I
see no reason we
can't stay together. It'll all teach us about CS,
while broadening our
experience -- as if we don't already get enough of
that! <grin>

I believe someone did start a CSPets list or
something like that. I
don't know how it's faring.

Be well,

Mike D.

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