
Regarding withholding of milk from animals treated with antibiotics.  I live
in dairy country.  They do separate those cows.  They must, it's a matter of
livelihood.  If the milk from those cows have a high bacteria count, which
they will if they have mastitis, adding their milk to the bulk tank raises
the overall bacteria count of the milk tank.  It the bacteria level is
unacceptable to the guy that picks up the milk from the farm.  The whole
bulk tank is then discarded....i.e...dairy farmer gets no money.  If an
animal does have mastitis and is being treated with antibiotics the bacteria
levels remain high in their milk for several days after starting the
antibiotics.  Mastitis is a very stubborn ailment in dairy animals.  I doubt
they all withhold the milk 3 weeks after the infection has cleared but I do
think that most of the dairy guys we know try to follow the withholding
times....Deanna in MN

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