Hi Kevin,

I don't trust the FDA at all!
It is my understanding that it is the silver load rather than the chemical
form (ignoring toxic forms such as silver nitrate) that would cause
problems, if problems do exist.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Nolan [mailto:ken...@optusnet.com.au]
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2001 3:48 p.m.
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>CS in juice, etc

Ian wrote:
"Thanks for getting back to me Kevin - I guess the folks who die from renal
failure aren't around to talk about it.  But in over 3-4 years on the list I
can't remember anyone ever saying that this has ever happened to their loved
ones and the FDA certainly doesn't attest to this."

Ivan wrote:
"Hi Kevin,Just how much of an authority is Bill Briggs? His web site looks
like any number of others, with his secret generating
method and reference to somewhat doubtful information 'articles' reproduced
countless times around the net. I'm not sure how much importance to place
upon his silver chloride reference, given that he uses it to differentiate
between his product and other 'low quality' products, which he notes may
contain the afore mentioned silver chloride as well as silver oxide, silver
nitrate and so on, and that
might be contained in plastic containers and not coloured bottles <gasp>. I
also wonder at the purity of the water he produces, given that the pH ranges
from 7 to 10 and that the conductivity reading is up to 15uS for his 5 - 10
ppm CS. He may well produce a marvellous product, but the information
contained on his web site does not inspire confidence (in me at least) in
the depth of
his silver colloid knowledge."

I personally met BB two years ago while suffering a real bad toothache, for
which his CS helped stave-off the inevitable. Since then he's moved
interstate. Admittedly the web site contains too little to go by, but that's
why I gave his e-mail address, so you could correspond personally. Or you
could do what I did yesterday, and order the book which apparently deals
with the issue. When I've read it, will let you know! Having apparently
spent a lifetime in the silver industry, he claimed to know it all - I'm in
no position to contradict that. He remarked at the time about the importance
of water purity re making CS and the dangers of renal failure. Said it might
take as long as 20 years or more, but it would happen. Right or wrong? I
don't know. Plenty of people who used asbestos for decades without ill
effect, untill one day.... If you believe the FDA has it right on silver
then why are you using it at all?

regards, Kevin Nolan ken...@optusnet.com.au

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