I have to say I am totally impressed with the lengths you have gone to find
your solution.  I don't know alot about Tinnitis, but I do know that it
seems to be a very mysterious condition that is not easy to handle.  This is
largely an off-topic post, and while I make every attempt to use language
non-offensive to list viewers, ultimately I may have failed, so please
accept my apologies.

In my younger years, I  practiced as a natural healer combined with
metaphysics.  I worked exclusively with terminal and/or uncurable
conditions.  I became interested in this line of research due to a counselor
I saw when I was 17 years old, who saved my life at a crazy time in my life.
He had just received a government research grant to study reversing Multiple
Sclerosis through the power of the mind.  He had taken himself and ten other
patients from wheel chairs to walking.  Luckily, he only needed to help me
from jumping off of cliffs!

Later, I was blessed enough to meet a private teacher, who had reversed
late-stage Hodgkins Disease at the age of the 37.  I studied daily for
several years in practical applications.  As time passed, I attended several
seldom-advertised seminars on harnessing the power of the subconscious mind.

True metaphysics is nothing more than what the meaning of the word suggests.
My definition is "that which lies above nature which is expresses itself
throughout nature."  One can consider it the "laws of physics" above the
"laws of physics".

I've reached a block in my own research work, because I have a full
understanding of the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds, but
I cannot penetrate the unconscious.

The primary principle when one faces a problem where one has done EVERYTHING
one can imagine to find a solution and has come up empty - is that the
solution lies outside of one's ability to even imagine.

Let me illustrate an example.  An associate of mine, many years ago, was in
an automobile wreck that damaged both the spine and nerves irrepairably.  In
my way of thinking, there is nothing without meaning.  Finding the meaning
may be next to impossible, but it is there.  People don't get into car
accidents by accident.  I've never been in one, and I have consistantly
driven over 40 miles daily in city areas for years upon years.  Everything
has a symbolic meaning to the subconscious mind, and in the end, it is quite
irrelevant whether this significance is real or imagined, because the power
of the mind is unquestionable, as is the power of the heart, feelings, and
the ensuing emotions.

It was easy to identify, in her case, the emotional cause of the accident.
She had already done that work, and in fact knew she was on a collision
course with something prior to the experience.  The accident was a real
tragedy, for it ended her career, which was, at the time, the only valuable
thing in her life.  What resulted were very rare medical conditions that
prevented the mind from sleeping, and daily unmanageable pain that ended up
spanning ten years.  In the end, it was her marriage that caused these
problems, and she ended up losing that as well.

The events that transpired during the ten years afterward were slowly
transformative.  She met the real love of her life, a man patient and loving
enough to endure the endless hours of frustration.  They started their own
home business, because she could not go out into the world to work, she had
an incredible sensitivity to light and thus worked often in the night.
During this period, she attempted to commit suicide on many occasions
because she had explored every avenue of treatment possible.  Never the
less, she failed, and her business grew prosperous, though the success was
quite empty.

I met her two years before her miracle, and we would spend hours simply
keeping the mind clear enough to be open for the unimagined.  The "why me"
questions are always the ones that have to be set to rest in short order.
Hopelessness must be replaced by hope on a daily basis, and without
expectation.  This is a miracle in itself.

Finally, her miracle arrived.  She was contacted by an extraordinary
surgeon.  They had developed a new surgical technology and method that just
might be the solution she needed.  Unfortunately, she would be the first
patient to undergo this treatment, and insurance would not cover it, and
they had to have payment for the surgery ( I'm uncertain why ).  Her home
business which had been growing for years miraculously provided the funds to
undergo this surgery - it was not cheap!  She paid gladly.

The surgery was an instant success.  Overnight, the pain left.  Sleep
returned.  She was given her life back - only now, she had a true love
union, a business she could lovingly express through, and one of those
strong wills that can only be developed through endless trials of hardship.

The first principle of metaphysical healing is that the answer must matter
MORE than ANYTHING else.  It must be all or nothing.  Our world responds to
absolute comittment.

In her case, her solution manifested through the nature world, in a chain of
events that had to unfold just like they did in order for her to find a
solution.  There was no way beforehand to know "what color" it would look
like.  This is the single defining factor in the description of a spiritual
experience, because it is beyond the individual's control, and beyond the
ability to predict, plan, or create of self.  It is beyond ideology or
cultural influence, and far above dogma.

In my own work, the first thing I attempt to do is isolate the first second
that it began.  With things like cancer or degenerative conditions this can
be very difficult, because they are usually the last things a person wants
to talk about, especially with a "stranger".  Sometimes, the memory is so
damaged with emotion that one must bypass the conscious mind to discover
origins, and there are many tools available to do this.  Once I feel I have
reached the first point of manifestation, I back-track events that led to
that point.  There is always a signficant event that transpired, although
sometimes the person experiencing it doesn't remember until they know to
look for it.  When something like cancer manifests, I have learned that one
must usually go back at least 10 to 20 years.  With weight issues, one
usually must go back before the age of 15.

The stumbling block in my own work comes with dealing with those, say, who
have lived in a town with a contaminated water supply, and have cancer due
to an "egregor" influence they had no control over.  That is where the
collective unconscious comes in.  The result can still easily be described
in metaphysical terms, but the power is outside the individual in question.
Although I have studied Jung ( who I think came the closest to reaching an
understanding ), Sarte, and others who have attempted to explore the
unconconscious, I am at a brick wall.

Hearing problems are uniform - an unwillingness to listen or the inability
to hear that is causing both a numbing to the actual sense of hearing, and
equally, I am certain, an increased sensitivy in all the nervous system in
the body.  The origin, metaphysically and perhaps PHYSICALLY as well is the
pineal gland.  Interesting how heavy metals might fit into the picture.

There are three primary concepts that deal with sight and hearing.  I'm
going to rename them to attempt to approach it without being offensive to
any belief system.  1) Imaging  2) Belief/attention  3) Understanding.
Hearing problems are most usually attributed to being in heavy emotional
environments, but I have no idea if this would apply to Tinnitus.

To try to bring this somewhat back to topic on colloidal silver...  I found
colloidal silver practicing these exact principles.  I did 20 days straight
of research, because my wife was dying in the hospital, and nobody could do
anything about it.  I wrote research institutions, dove into the latest
medical advances, and in fact did everything in MY power to try to find a
solution for twenty days straight.  I was in a position where I had just
lost my job because I had a newborn son to care for, I had no family
anywhere nearby, and my friends became very unsupportive.  So, while I was
going broke, trying to learn HOW in the world one takes care of a newborn, I
researched as if nothing else mattered.  That is when I found colloidal
silver.  I would not have found it had other things mattered more - like
eating and sleeping.  I could not work with any of the other tools I've
developed because of the hospital environment... my wife was in such pain
that she was REALLY trying to die.  It is VERY hard to help save someone who
wants to die.  I got thrown out of the hospital on several occasions due to
getting in verbal fights with negligant hospital staff.  I was certain that
hyperbaric treatment was the answer, but the surgeon in charge refused.  All
they would do, day in and day out, is CUT.  When I finally snuck in late at
night with a freshly brewed batch of colloidal silver, you could EASILY fit
a football right into her abdomen.  They had cut all the tissues out of her
abdomen, and the only thing left to infect was the organs.  That would have
been the greatest concern, but the flesh-eating bacteria had reached the
bloodstream, and even multiple blood transfusions daily could not keep the
oxygen content in the blood high enough to avoid a crisis situation.  They
pumped so many drugs into her body that I'm STILL working on trying to clean
the system out.  Trovan showed the most promise - at that time it was a
newly approved wide-spectrum antibiotic.  The bacteria ( psuedo and staph
hospital strains ) ate through it like cotton candy.

The colloidal silver worked, and very rapidly.  When I got her home, I used
healing clays, herbs, and colloidal silver to speed the healing process by
over 66%.  When she went back to surgery ( medically necessary cosmetic ) I
had her immune system so supercharged that she flew through the procedures
with flying colors.

With these types of things, TJ, sometimes there is a great gift just waiting
to be discovered.  It is never easy to find, and the price is often great -
but in the end, it is most certainly worthwhile to find.

I apologize to the list.  All flames are welcome if heartfelt - send them to and not the list please!

----- Original Message -----
From: "TJ Garland" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: CS>tinnitus--

> Yes--I flush with 3% h202 once a week. I use milk products very sparingly.
> I just did a 7 day juice fast/ colon cleanse. I drink decaf coffee and
> teas.  I am looking at Cayce's castor packs next, and finally Schulze's
> very rigorous 30 day incurables program.  I have been doing pulse tests
> allergies suggested by J.Wallach. I went through a 6 month regimen of
> doxycycline 4 years ago for a mycoplasma infection. Possibly my liver and
> kidneys were affected. I did one liver and kidney cleanse 3 months ago.
> With this other info, can anyone help?  Marshall, is there a good alt
> practitioner near you?   Thanks again    goldenokie
> >From: "Nina Silver" <>
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