If you are going to drink decaf coffee, why don't you
just change to a grain coffee substitute?

This is from "How to Eat", in the "BAWord" zip file:

Certain chemistry imbalances actually need a little
caffeine every day to help bring about balance (but
only temporarily), however most people are only
imbalanced further by consuming caffeine-containing
products. Coffee which is grown in foreign countries
(which is most coffee in the average food store) has
been sprayed with chemicals and insecticides which are
so dangerously toxic they have been banned in the U.S
and Canada (but not, of course, in Third World
countries like Columbia). Decaffeinated coffee has had
the caffeine removed by dissolving it from the coffee
bean with what is essentially gasoline. The U.S.F.D.A.
says that the residue of chemicals that remains in the
coffee beans after they are decaffeinated is
"generally regarded as being safe". (Yeah, Right!) The
above is also true of commercial black tea.

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute
RR1  314 Carleton Rd
Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
902-584-3810 voice
413-826-7641 fax service

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