Dear Jan,
> "I wonder if you drink or eat products containing aspartame - I had
> when I was ingesting that poison - noises went + a heap of other problems
> when I gave it up."
> This sounds very interesting,Judith. My husband suffers badly with
> What is "aspartame "? And which foods contain it?  Jan

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in diet drinks, sugar free gums,
diet yogurts, Vitamin pills, pharmaceutical products - in total over 9000
products.  It is also called Equal [in little packets - ideal to pop in your
pocket and take out to pour down ant holes], Spoonful, and Additive Number
951 in Australia. It is in Cool-Aid, foods from Macdonald's, everywhere.
You have to read the fine print and look for the name aspartame.

It is difficult to avoid.  the most common characteristic is that it causes
headaches, mimics some serious diseases and has a total of 92 recognised
problems.  The list of the FDA 92 symptoms is the first item on .

Once you develop an allergy towards it, you also become sensitive to MSG,
monosodium glutamate.

I hope this  helps.

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