Hi all, I'm new to the list but have enjoyed learning about cs while
pouring through the archives tonight.  I'm very optimistic about cs being
able to help me with chronic pain and constant illnesses, my cat who
suffers from chronic respiratory ailments (fungal, bacterial, and viral),
and hopefully most of all my friend who was diagnosed with MS last

Of course, above all else, I want to do no harm to any of us.  However,
in my searches I haven't really found ANYTHING or anyone that posted any
limits to the amount of cs to take (humans and cats), or how it can be
harmful.  I plan to make my own, a method that is supposed to be about
18ppm.  Is there a maximum amount of cs that should be taken?  Is there a
level that can be toxic to humans (or cats!)?  Some people talked about
adjusting it according to weight, but I didn't see any ratios
recommended.  What is contraindicated?  Are there any medications that it
could interfere with?  

Does anyone have suggestions on how to give it to my cat?  I thought
about simply substituting it for the water bowl, but other cats are
drinking out of it too and I would much prefer to be able to monitor the
amount she is getting anyway.

Is there a way to actually measure the ppm in the cs, is this even
necessary or recommended?  How often do the wires need replacing and how
do you know when they should be?

Does it taste bad, or is it pallitable?  Here's a funny question, is it
painful on the teeth - like if you touch aluminum foil to a filling? 
Eeeoowwwhhh  ;-)

Wow, that's a whole lot of information I'm requesting, hope you all are
up to the challenge!


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