> Can anyone horsey help me with advice?
> A friend has a 16.2 hands horse (weight about 500kgs) who was a v
> 'C" grade jumper - used to sail over the real big 'uns.
> He's done something to his back or hip - loin region behind the saddle.
> Vet said he's too big to x-ray and merely advised 2 months rest from
> competitions.
> He's fine on the level but even a tiny jump and he flinches and drags his
> back legs - terribly eager to tackle a jump but now tries to do it all
> his forelegs!!
> Anyone any ideas?

Are there any equine chiropractioners in the area? Even a person who can do
equine massage therapy will help.
Good luck to him!
Marshalee (used to have an Arabian, a long time ago...)

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