I did not know that the yellow color depicted larger particles of CS.
I just got a cs generator, and that is all it makes is light yellow CS.
I thought I was getting 10 ppm, per instructions as I do not have any
device for measuring what I am getting.
No wonder  the instructions say to use 5 filters for filtering.
Good to know this.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Reid Harvey 
  To: silver digest 
  Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 1:57 PM
  Subject: CS>CS and appropriate technology

  If we are in a place or situtation where we can not get hold of 10ppm,
  fine particle CS, it would seem to me there may be times when increased
  ppm would be appropriate. There appears to be a lot of agreement here,
  that with respect to increased *quantity* of particles the health
  benefit does not increase as one goes beyond 10ppm. But there also seems
  to be agreement that large particle CS does contain some percentage of
  fine particles.

  I would imagine that there could be an improved *quality* with increased
  ppm, that the additional fine particles could be very beneficial.  So
  for example, the use of 30ppm, LV CS that has the yellow color
  characteristic of larger particles would contain three times the fine
  particles of 10ppm CS, enough additional, perhaps, to warrant the
  greater concentration.

  Comments anyone?

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