Dear Damian,
                I have observed, with interest, several postings on the
list.....that Colloidal Silver is an excellent fungicide.  This has not been
our experience.  Several years ago we conducted some efficacy tests for CS
against 10 specimens of "garden-variety" type fungi.
We used concentrations between 5 ppm and 10ppm.  Complete control resulted
in one case, moderate control in one case......and almost no control in 8
cases.  We did not conduct follow-up tests and our control standards were
minimal.  However, we concluded that---for whatever reason---CS is not a
reliable fungicide or algicide.  Whether or not....over is a
fungistatic, I cannot we did not conduct extended population
counts to verify UP or DOWN population movements.  This was not a genuine
scientific study and parametric control could not be claimed.
                However, simultaneously-conducted bacteria and virus-based
evaluations (with parametric controls) yielded 100% pathogenic control
results......sometimes in concentrations as low as .025 ppm/
                I am somewhat puzzled as to the claims of CS being a
powerful fungicide.  It would be of considerable value to learn of
successful experiments conducted by any list members......or any research
organization.  We would be quite interested to learn the exact nature of any
successful protocol where CS was an effective "stand-alone" fungi control.
                    We have found H202 (in low concentrations [ 1%] ) to be
quite effective in controlling algae and a wide range of fungi-----most
especially anaerobic or near-anaerobic types.  Chlorine-based solutions have
demonstrated (to us) to be exceptionally
powerful in subjugating all fungi and algae......we have tested.
Unfortunately, the human health impact of chlorine-containing solutions do
not augur well;  therefore, wisdom seems to dictate their use ONLY in
non-potable water circumstances.
                       Thi has just been our experience in a single set of
circumstances and does not constitute any form of reliable, repeatable
                        Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Damian" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 1:29 AM
Subject: CS>Failed Experiment

> hi all. I finally got around to doing some experimenting with CS. I took
> some swabs from my mouth and grew some fungus and other stuff in 4 dish's.
> Once the dish's were populated i added 1ml of h2o2 to one, 1ml of CS to
> another, and .5 ml of cs mixed with .5ml of h2o2. Now after 2 days the
> one that had an effect is the 1ml of h2o2. Does this mean my CS is not
> properly. Does it mean that CS is not as good as people say? Does it mean
> that my body is riddled with super toxins?. I noticed that the straight CS
> seemed to simply plate of onto the fungus stuff. I understand people have
> added cs to milk and set it allong with one without Cs aside to see if it
> went mouldy the results were that the cs prevented this. DOes this mean cs
> is merely a preventative, not a cure?
> I make my cs using 3 9v and a bubbler it is clear and after about 3 hours
> it tastes very metalic.
> I would appreciate any thoughts. I know i probably didnt handle this
> experiment as well as i should> next time i shall try and be more precise,
> none the less the results are disappointing. I was also thinking of put a
> dish in a pyramid when and if i build one.:-)
> Take care all
> Damian
> --
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