It won't work.  I had about 20 silver related auctions pulled and immediately 
called them to find out what the problem is/was.  I'm one of those lucky people 
that pay eBay quite a bit of money monthly, so they tend to talk to me when I 
need their help.  Anyhow, they are dead set on not allowing CS this time.  They 
got a FDA notice about a month and a half ago, at which point they cancelled 
all CS auctions, and I called, and got things set straight pertaining to the 
law and they re-adjusted their policy so people could list CS auctions again.   
Problem is they just got a second notice from the FDA that looked a bit more 
intimidating, so they put the CS ban back in place, and this time they are not 
going to change it back.  It's looking like the FDA is having a hard time going 
after all the small fish, so they're hitting the places where the small fish 
hang out.

Yours in health,
James Allison

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: I Anderson 
  Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 1:37 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>FW: PI Notice: eBay Auction(s) Cancelled - INSERT TEXT HERE

  You might reply to them and quote the FDA ruling. which clearly states
  "Colloidal silver is a suspension of silver particles in a colloidal
  (gelatinous) base.", and rename yours as a silver supplement.
