On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 11:21:04 -0600, bober...@postoffice.swbell.net wrote:

>And by the way what is the meaning of "Namaste", is it good or bad???
>"Ole Bob"

For once I'm disappointed in the net search engines. They came up with:
na·maste [n mú stày ] or na·mas·kar [nùmm skr ] noun 
Indian gesture of greeting:  a polite bow of greeting or farewell used by
Hindus, made with the hands held at chest height and both palms pressed together

[Mid-20th century. From Hindi, literally "bowing to you."]

I was taught that it meant "The light within me salutes the light within you".
I prefer what I was taught.

Smile and the world smiles with you. Frown and you get credit for thinking. 

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