Hello all,
I am so sorry that I haven't had an opportunity before now to sit and jot you a 
line to thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Tracy.................thank you 
for "giving a yell" so that people would give me an opinion.  
Marshalee..............thank you for all your kind and gracious 
words..........I hope to reply to you soon.  Others...........thank you for 
your responses, I put them all together in making my final decision.  
And..............Last but certainly not least...........Ivan..........WOW!!!!  
You impressed me.  Did you go look up all that technical info about the gall 
bladder and its function, or did you just know it?  You were right on!  In 
fact, I printed your email out (leaving out your email addy and name) to bring 
to the doctors to help to convince them that what I was doing without their 
input wasn't going to kill her. ~:-}

Anyway, I have put the CS directly into her gall bladder twice a day for over a 
week now.  The "floaties" are gone.....the thickness is gone...........and her 
itching is relieved.  Last Tuesday I had a battle with Gabrielle's liver team.  
They talked to me intelligently and with an open mind.  Their initial response 
was an ABSOLUTE, resounding NO!!!!  After about 1/2 hour of calm, intelligent 
exchanging of facts, they not only agreed to let me continue to use it (as if 
they could be in control of what I do at home), but are looking into it in more 
detail to perhaps use in other children with "lines" into their bodies that are 
having problems with chronic infection.  I had done a "control study" with the 
use of CS in her gall bladder, and that impressed them greatly.  They have 
adequate proof that it works, as far as they are concerned, the only problem is 
that there is only ONE case study..............Gabrielle.  It is unlikely they 
will be able to duplicate this experiment, as this is the first time this type 
of tube has been placed in a child.

I am bless to have so many minds to "pick" when I have questions.  And I thank 
you for being willing to stand on the "shaky" ground of giving opinions about 
treatment of a chronically ill child.  I thank you all again.

God bless,