I'm starting to become very pessimistic about silver colloid. I at the moment have got a chest infection. In the morning of coughed up some flem that was green. I put it with some CS into a small container and moderated. It has been a day now. The flem has lost some of its green and starting to break up. Now disappointed in how slow it is working i wondered if it simply was naturally breaking down so the next day i coughed up some more and put it into another container with tap water. With out thinking i realized that i should have put it in with some distilled water so that the chlorine or what have you would have no effect. Well its been 2 hours and the flem looks worse of in the tap water than it does in the cs. It has lost its green. As some one mentioned some time back and i agree CS has terrible mobility.

Now I'm pretty sure im making this stuff correctly. I am using 3 9v and pure wire silver wire. When made the stuff tastes very metallic. It is clear. I use a bubbler to stir. I leave it for about 3 hours to brew. I keep it in a dark bottle our of the light.

If anyone can give me suggestions i would be grateful.

On a side note . I bought myself some 35% h2o2 and are using that against my candida with great effect. My skin rash is just about all clear, and my tongue has lost its coating. I am only up to 9 drops a day with the max being 25. The 35% tastes allot better than the 3% as others have mentioned still tastes bad but not as bad.

Ok then take care all

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