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Tel Tofflemir
Phoenix, AZ

"Harry J. J. O'Neill" wrote:

> Hi, I would surely appreciate help!!!!!!!I have used store bought CS
> for years and like it.  After my husband dropped a brand new $60
> bottle of CS this weekend  I decided to look into making it myself.  I
> have been researching it on the net and am now confused enough to
> think about buying it again! I would like a simple way to make very
> high quality CS.  Can anyone recommend a good generator?  I am not
> completely averse to making one myself (it could turn into a science
> project in our homeschool), but I don't want to be running around to
> far flungstores buying supplies and I want to be sure of the quality
> and not have to babysit thesilver-making process every time. Thank you
> in advance for your time.  - Laura