At 01:45 PM 12/01/2001 +1100, you wrote:
Thanks for the links, Nina. Helps to explain why my e-mail queries about advise for those non US residents seeking cheap supplements were never answered. Really sad - lots of apparently good advice at his site is now thrown into the "questionable" category.

   I read lots of the info about this Dr. Jon.

Just called a friend that had ordered products from there. He did in fact get the products and seemed pleased with them.

   He did state that he had no idea about the quality or purity.

If this guy is half as intelligent and all the bad press makes him appear, I would think he would try to pick on someone other that people like us, if in fact he plans to rip anyone off.

I know... that if.... some doctor and pharmacy knowingly sold me some worthless medications,
I would consider him guilty of "attempted murder".

Now.... I might be just as upset, or even moreso, if someone tampers with my supplements.

   At this point in time, does anyone have any evidence of criminal activity?
