
 Extract from:Nature November 29, 2001;414:555-558

   <  The organisms are obviously quite good at staying alive since they
withstand invading germs, bacteria-killing antibiotics and various
"environmental" shifts such as
dietary changes. This study suggests that an occasional change of wardrobe
is one way they do it.>

        One posting from another Complementary Health List

           < When Hahnemann talks about the syphilitic and gonorrheal miasms
, he talks about the taint....... In today's
world where we have antibiotics to kill off at least these two bacteria, is
the taint still resident ? >

         My answer is yes.  The growth and development of an organism is an
intimate part of the organism 's genetic heritage. The latter's expression
is the result of successful evolution of the community of which the organism
is a part. The loss of that ability to adequately adjust to the morbid
fluctuations within the backdrop of the solar system and planet
earth,results in unbalancing of the various genetic expressions. An illness
followed by homeostatic recovery is a normal body reaction without any
entrapment of pathological energies. When the unbalance is prolonged,the
retention of the trapped morbid energies progresses deeper.
Its etiology,thus,has become deep-rooted and the resulting malady is the

              Louis Pasteur,the French chemist,discovered germs during his
experimentation on fermentation. His discovery was initially rejected but
was later enthusiastically accepted when the one germ - one disease model
was fashioned to order with its immense potential for commercial
exploitation. In 1914, Dr Rosenow, Associate of the Mayo Foundation,
the most eminent bacteriologist then, shattered the foundation of the serum
and drug industries  with the results of painstaking experimentation. The
Rosenow experiments,verifing the conclusions of Becham,Rife and
Naessens,showed that there exist no specific bacteria. The extant microbes
or endobionts [Mucor racemosus Fresen and Aspergillus niger van Tiegham] are
phasic microbes,which are always present and cannot be
removed from the living cell. They are the genotypic and phenotypic variants
with marked capacity to change their properties to ensure
survival in an unpreditable environment. Microbial variation
occurs selectively,modifying the microscopic,colonial,nutritional,
biochemical,antigenic,pathogenic and drug sensitivity attibutes of the
organism,when there is an alteration in the condition,nutrition and
temperature of the enviroment. Little is known of the morphogentic
manifestations in the microbial world till lately when the phenomenon
of microbial resistance to orthodox treatment is observed in mainstream

                 Pasteur, in his death-bed, made the heretical statement:

          "  The bacteria are nothing, the terrain is everything. "

  The following phases are easily seen in living blood  under darkfield

                       Primitive phases [colloidal ] live in high alkaline
                       Bacterial phases live in mild alkaline pH
                       Viral Forms live in a strong acid pH


            Another from the same List posted:

            < Jakob Henle in his " Pathological Examinations"
[1840] recognised,that the term miasm would lose the essence of his meaning
if it wasn't brought into contact with the knowledge about parasitic

My reply:
                   Professor Dr Gunther Enderlein demonstrated
that all microbes go through the same stages of their development in the

  Colloid [ primitive phase ] > Bacterial [ middle phase ] >
                           Fungus [end phase ]

 Dr. Royal Rife showed the transformation into the toxic  viral
phase. This phenomenon could not be seen under the ordinary light
microscope.  Rife's microscopic research revealed the classic 16 internested
living virtual phases intracellularly. Each phase,  when energetically
focussed with a specific spectral frequency microscopically, shows  a
dynamically patterened and
structured world of virtual reality.


          The moderator of the same list posted:

      < All antibiotics do,usually, is to drive the  ' taint '
or symptoms deeper into the body --- they may disappear
for a while---but they always come back. >

      "   The  'disappearance' of a particular germ from the culture does
not mean that the germ is dead; it only became invisible due to its
transformationin to an invisible  form. That means,that the host organism is
now in a cancerous state."

                                                       -  Dr. Karl Horst


                 The endobionts are indestructible. and are demonstrated in
the cyclic phases intracellularly.

   It is saddening to realise that truth is often dictated by consensus of
opinions rather than by scientific evidence.
False and fraudulent teachings prevail even though the truth has
been known for a long time.

      [     Dated: Thu,30 Sep 1999 03:41:01 + 0700     ]

                  Seasonal Greetings to all Silver List Members

With regards

----- Original Message -----
From: "larry tankersley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 4:01 AM
Subject: CS> more on bacteria

> Dear list.... here's more on the mystery of biology...
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Good Bacteria May Disguise Themselves in Your Body Trillions of bacteria
> and other microorganisms are known to dwell happily in the human body.
> But exactly how they are able to live their days in obscurity,
> unbothered by the immune system, is unknown. Now scientists have some
> clues.
> In experiments with the intestinal bacteria known as Bacteroides
> fragilis, the researchers found that gut flora may be able to change
> their surfaces to avoid detection by the immune system. The bacteria
> produce at least eight different sugars, or polysaccharides, on their
> surfaces. And this shift of outerwear could perhaps act as a disguise.
> These eight distinct polysaccharides are the most yet seen on any type
> of bacteria.
> Exactly how the immune system normally reacts to the body's population
> of microorganisms, or flora, is unclear. In fact, the whole area is a
> "huge black box."
> Clearly, these flora do good things, such as competing with invading
> microbes that cause disease. But they can occasionally get involved in
> the disease process. For instance, if there is an injury to the
> intestines that causes flora to leak they can cause infection. It is
> possible that if the immune system were primed to attack Bacteroides
> organisms with a particular polysaccharide, the microbes could put on a
> different surface sugar to allude detection. The organisms are obviously
> quite good at staying alive since they withstand invading germs,
> bacteria-killing antibiotics and various "environmental" shifts such as
> dietary changes. This study suggests that an occasional change of
> wardrobe is one way they do it. Nature November 29, 2001;414:555-558
> As the other article on identification of unidentified bacteria in last
> week's issue suggests, the optimization of the beneficial bacteria in
> your colon will be one of the keys to staying healthy. Any technology
> that facilitates that process will be a major development in the
> promotion of health.
> Related Articles:
> At Least One Third of Probiotics, Good Bacteria Products Like
> Acidophilus Found to be Worthless
> Beneficial Bacteria (Probiotics) May Halt Allergies In Babies Probiotics
> In Primary Prevention of Atopic Disease Beneficial Bacteria Helps Heal
> Intestines
> --
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