Hi Jim,

I saw your original post, and made a note to have a look at it later
and filed it in the too hard basket.

The trouble is with 36 volts and no current limit probably 15ppm will
be the limit before things start getting murky and grey.

What I suggest is that you run with 36V until you hit 3mA. That will
probably take about 2 or 3 hours and give about 10ppm. Drop your
voltage if you can to 18V for another hour which should be around
15ppm. Drop the  voltage again to 9V for another hour for 20ppm.

Another way to look at this is by resistance.
Your starting resistance is E/I = 36/.00022 = 164,000 Ohms
You want a twenty-fold increase in conductivity (or there a bouts) so
you need a twentieth of the resistance...which equals about 8200 Ohms.
This may be a little on the low side but equates to a current of about
If you can get to this without large amounts of sludge (may well be
possible) then do so. If, on the other hand you do start getting
constant fluffy coating of the anode, then wipe it off and drop the

Good luck to you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Acmeair [mailto:res00...@gte.net]
Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2001 8:23 p.m.
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>help!

i've just made a 3 unit adapter, 28vdc unit, using 2 silver rounds, on
12 ga .999 wire for a friend.  we just tried his unit out on monday.
it worked as advertized.

this morning, he called, and was asking wether or not CS worked on
Ebola. wow!  i told him that according to beck's writings, and stuff
on this site and others, i was of the impression that it did work on
ebola. why are you asking, i said.??  this guy has been heppin out an
older guy, and his wife. she was having trouble with her feet, and had
gone to the hospital with what looked like gang green. the AMA doc's
couldn't figure out what was going down. they finally informed the
family that the lady had something that was similar to ebola, but was
not in fact ebola. woweee!!

i have asked for some help on this site,  regarding how much current ,
and time, etc. it takes to make 15-20 ppm cs with my unit. i'll cut
and paste my first request.  i'd sure like to know if i'm making cs at
a proper strength to hep.

just finished bumping my cs unit to 3 6 vdc adapters in series, giving
me 29.5 vdc. with 31 oz of DW  @ 62 degrees F, the initial flow is .22
ma. with the elements 1 7/8 " apart. the wetted area is about 2.85
square inches.  (using one 14 ga wire, and one silver round hung on 14
ga wire.  at what milliamps would i be gettin 15-20 ppm?????   thanks
a lot.                                  jim O+, S     """"

would deeply appreciate any hep, or data.           thanks,    jim O+,

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  • CS>help! Acmeair
    • RE: CS>help! I Anderson