
        < I have really become somewhat convinced that that my computer is
either soley responsible.....or partly  responsible for my arthritis>
                                   - Robb Allen

       < I told you you had a computer virus!>
                                   -  Terry Chamberlin

            Diseases [Viral] can be induced in target cells
electromagnetically transmitted  by ultra-violet radiation  and absorbing
the mitogenetic radiation of "Death Photons" emitting from diseased and
dying tissue cells. This is named " The Mirror Cytopathogenic Effect [CPE]
by the
Russian  Kaznacheyev experimental group. So can also the molecular memories
of water ,digitally.

     Col. Tom Bearden, in his treatise on Extraordinary Biology, has given a
very concise account on the " Mirror Cytopathogenic Effect " and the counter
remedy  measures.


         It is not possible nowadays to escape the electromagnetic smog
which is suffocating us.  The feathers from our feathered friends, turkeys
in particular,
seem to be able to brush away  malefic oscillations that often cling to our
natural body
field, causing dis-ease and ill-health. The healing qualities of feathers
are no new discovery
in diverse cultures, East  or West.

With regards

----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Chamberlin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 12:05 AM
Subject: CS>Computer arthritis virus

> > I have really become somewhat convinced that that my
> > computer is either soley responsible.....or partly
> > responsible for my arthritis
> I told you you had a computer virus!
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