Huh?  That is what I said.


Black wrote:

> Marshall,You got to be kidding!  The FDA will NEVER approve anything
> that won't bring in billions of bucks for the pharmacies to bilk the
> public out of.  Why do you think they persecute anyone who has
> succeeded in curing cancer, etc.  They don't care about the results,
> consistancy or quality, just the bottom line which is Big
> Bucks.Nancy...
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: Bill
>      To:
>      Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 11:58 AM
>      Subject: Re: CS>Product Consistency
       My name is Bill but not Bill Gates unfortunately. If I were Bill
       Gates, I would put the money up to get it approved in a heartbeat.
       In fact if I had that kind of money, I would put it up just to stop
       the controversy once and for all.    Bill---not Gates
       -------Original Message-------

       Date: Friday, December 21, 2001 10:52:18 AM
       Subject: Re:CS>Product Consistency
        Bill wrote:

       > I have some questions regarding consistency in making colloidal
       silver but first tell me this. If CS is as good as we think it is,
       why can't we demonstrate the results to the FDA and get their
       approval on some level at least.

       No one has offered to put up the $500,000,000 to get it done.

       If they approve of it for any purpose at any level then in order to
       keep their approval, wouldn't consistency be a major concern?

       If any company did put up the money to get it approved, they would
       have a lock on selling it, so consistancy would be a non-issue.
       (That follows from the fact that no company is going to put up the
       money unless they could somehow get a lock on the market and inflate


       Is the INCONSISTENCY the real reason they won't approve it?

       No Money is.

       Almost every person who makes CS has their own little quirks that
       they say makes their's better or stronger or purer. Some stir others

       don't. Some regulate current and voltage some don't. In my opinion,
       it would be acceptable if the generators cost a lot more than they
       do AS LONG AS the end product was the same regardless who made it.
       It seems as though we act like a covey of quails and go off in all
       directions with our methods. Isn't there some way to decide once and

       for all the exact method to make it so it will be a consistent
       quality and purity? If we could accomplish that, it seems to me that

       the FDA might be more inclined to look seriously at it. Just some
       thoughts from----
       Put up the half billion dollars to get approval, and the FDA will
       approve it. No problem


       -------Original Message-------

       Date: Friday, December 21, 2001 10:23:16 AM
       To: Silver List
       Subject: Re: CS>CS & Spa
       ** Kathy,NO!! Keep them coming! There's gotta' be more people like
       us on the list! Maybe they're just timid and sitting back reading,
       hoping for answers.As I read your posts, I enjoy the fact there is
       someone here who maintains my level of CS knowledge. DON'T STOP
       ASKING QUESTIONS.Even though I've been messin' around with CS for a
       couple years, it hasn't been a continual study, so my understanding,

       deep does not go ;-)Marilyn~~ < I apologize if the list feels I am
       asking too many questions or if the questions are dumb or simple.

       Thank You,
       Kathy Neff

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