The Herxheimer Effect

Named after German physician Karl Herxheimer, M.D.,
Herxheimer's Effect (or Herx, for short) basically can
be a side effect of any antibiotic treatment, be it
Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), pharmaceutical, herbal,
or colloidal silver. When it kills pathogens faster
than your eliminative organs are able to remove them
from the system, it manifests itself generally with
flu-like symptoms. These can include headaches,
soreness/swelling in joints, swollen glands, bloating,
constipation, skin rashes, diarrhea and numerous other

Many people are in good enough physical/systemic
condition to not have any noticeable indication of
Herx. Those who are generally well (but not totally
healthy, and many do not realize this), are surprised
by and anxious to get rid of the discomfort. Relief
will generally come within a day or two of stopping
the medication/therapy and drinking large amounts of
distilled water to help the system flush the toxins
out. Hopefully they will resume the treatment at a
lesser dosage, then slowly increase the dosage. 

However, many who have experienced long term chronic
illnesses look forward to these side effects, as an
indicator that what they are doing/taking is working,
and try to maintain a tolerable level of discomfort
until they effect submission/remission of their

Long-term Candida sufferers are most likely to
experience this effect of the 'die-off' of large
numbers of pathogenic organisms. This is because
Candida is so often overlooked and therefore has ample
time to wreak havoc on the immune system and digestive
tract, reducing the ability of one's body to
adequately handle the 'die-off'. Many Candida victims
have reported no undue symptoms, but it is well to be
prepared mentally for the possibility. 

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