Here is my take on it...knowledge courtesy of the USN.

Power (P), measured in Watts is directly proportional to Voltage (E) and
current (I).

P=I * E, as one can see, if you change the voltage or current your changing
the value of power.

Also, P= (I * I) * R, where R equals the resistance in ohms.  Again, one can
see by adjusting the resistance one will affect the power.

So, a "wattage dial" can actually be tweaking the resistance or voltage
component and labeled as such so one knows what watts they are trying to
adjust.  Otherwise, they would have to impart the formulas to figure out

So, when making CS, power, in watts, changes when the voltage is changed.
Another way power is changed if using a constant voltage source, the water
will get less resistive as brewing goes on, the current therefore will
increase and so will the power being consumed.

My $0.02.

Now, I just need to figure out how to make a stirring unit, one idea so far
is incorporating a 12v windshield washer pump, taking water from the top of
the jug and pushing it out at the bottom along the wall of the curved
glass.....just an idea so far, my luck all the pumps will be metal.

Rich Adams

> You can have a dial for adjusting voltage or current
> (amperage), but I've never heard of a wattage dial. In
> making CS, you only need to regulate voltage and
> current, not wattage. Wattage is a by-product of the
> interaction of voltage, current and resistance, as
> smoke or heat is of the activity of fire. Am I right,
> technical types?

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