<<<< Nancy, I'm curious ~~ what does the powder form of Stevia  look like?
My husband recently bought a "new" sugar that we keep at our cabin;  it is
light brown, seems more course than regular brown sugar, sweet, but not
sugary sweet, and very good!! Much better than regular sugar. I'd ask him
what it is, but he's still sleeping;  ahhhh, the joys of retirement.

Marilyn-  Powdered Stevia is whitish and very fine grained, not like sugar.
The bottle says that to sweeten a cup of liquid one should dip a toothpick
in it and stir the liquid with it, that's how concentrated it is.  In other
words, you don't use it like sugar.  Your brown sugar sounds like Turbinado
sugar, which is light brown but not clumpy like regular brown sugar.


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