Hi all,

I obtained some DMSO today GC pure grade >99.5%.  I've looked in the
archives for suggestions on using it but have found conflicting info and
am hoping someone will enlighten me.  I'm hoping to use it for 2 purposes
- 1 for me and my chronic back pain, I've already had 2 surgeries and am
really hoping to avoid a 3rd. 2nd for my cat, she is still suffering from
a severe upper respiratory ailment of unknown origin and has for the 6
yrs I've had her.  Her nose is currently swollen to about 3x normal size,
and has lost most black pigment due to  the swelling.  I had to put her
on prednisone a couple of weeks ago because it was swollen about 5x size
and her nares were virtually swollen shut.  She has been on cs for water
since about Dec but it doesn't appear to be helping.

What I've read in the archives is 70% DMSO and 30% aloe, or 20% DMSO and
80% cs or 5% DMSO and 95% cs (not sure that that last one was 95% cs.
Any ideas on what would be the best topical application for me, and one
for her as well?  I assume I'm to apply it to her nose, any known
problems with that?

Thanks to all!

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