I would not hesitate to use CS as well, but also highly recommend Larreastat
from www.larreacorp.net .
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Chamberlin" <tcj...@yahoo.ca>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 6:59 PM
Subject: CS>chicken pox

> Reid,
> I would not hesitate to use CS copiously to fight
> chicken pox. Chicken pox is the Varicella (Herpes)
> Zoster virus, the same virus that causes shingles. The
> two most effective weapons against all forms of the
> Herpes virus (Herpes Simplex I - cold sore; Herpes
> Shingles II - VD; Herpes Zoster - shingles; Epstein
> Barr; Infectious Mononucleosis; Human Herpesvirus 6 &
> 7) are CS and L-lysine.
> My first serious experience with Herpes Simplex I,
> when my head, neck, shoulders, back and chest were
> covered with hundreds of pustules (caused by an
> ignorant doctors worst-case prescription), established
> an outbreak of sores all over my face several times
> per year from then on (for the last 30 years). The
> doctors who treated me in the hospital had no idea
> what to do, so they baked me with a high-powered
> infrared lamp for four days. It worked. The sores
> healed and went away, but the bi- and tri-monthly
> outbreaks began. I soon after discovered L-lysine.
> When I would notice sores spreading across my face, I
> would ingest 6-10,000 mg of lysine each day, and the
> sores would stop spreading and be gone in 3-4 days. I
> also followed a diet rich in lysine and low in
> arginine (an amino acid that the Herpes virus thrives
> in). Foods rich in arginine are: chocolate, p-nuts,
> grains, nuts, seeds and beans. The foods rich in
> lysine are: meats and dairy products. Fruits and
> vegetables have little of either arginine or lysine,
> so are neutral and can be eaten freely.
> Since I started drinking CS 3 years ago, I have had
> one cold sore (right after eating a chocolate bar).
> Two of my clients have reported that swishing/gargling
> CS has caused whole-mouth (inside) canker sores to
> vanish overnight.
> The other weapon I would use against any virus would
> be the Beck devices.
> Terry Chamberlin
> Metabolic Solutions Institute
> RR1  314 Carleton Rd
> Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
> 902-584-3810 voice
> 413-826-7641 fax service
> msi...@yahoo.com
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