For those among the list membership interested
in making a useful (if not exact) approximation of ppm for blood and
urine.....try the following (if you possess an instrument even as
limited in capability as the TDS-1):
                        Select small diameter glass (wine glass is fine)
and inject 10 cc of distilled water, then add 1 cc of either blood or
urine.  You now have a dilution which reads very well in the flatter
portion of the TDS-1 curve.  Use your TDS-1 to obtain a
reading......then multiply by 10 and you have a very acceptable
indication of the ppm concentrations.  If you do not dilute your
samples, you will be unable to obtain truly useful readings......with
this instrument.
                        If you will go to
and scroll down about 3/4 of the way in the total will
encounter a simple comparative listing of ppm for blood urine and a
couple of other elements.  Do remember that anything under 10,000 total
ppm for urine is SUPERB and.....essentially....unloads the strain on the
                                    Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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