The liver enzyme test you are referring to is GGT, there is also SGOT
(could also be that one), SGPT, and alkaline phosphtase.  Those are the
main liver enzymes for a serum (blood) chemistry profile.  A very
interesting note.... The milk thistle really DOES work - or at least
covers up the damage done to a liver.   Why do I say this you ask??? 
Because insurers (life, health) are scared of what it can cover up/heal. 
Do NOT admit to taking it if you are applying for insurance.  They may
take that as reason enough to decline you.  At least the insurance
industry is beginning to take the healing properties of herbs seriously,
or on a more cynical note, maybe they are just using it to their
advantage.  Either way, the word is getting out.

On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 15:09:17 EST writes:
> Finished 10 IV Chelations for my fifth year.  Cholesterol is down 86 
> points 
> but Dr. noticed a high liver reading on my blood test, GOT?  He 
> prescribed 
> Silymarin (Milk Thistle) 3 X per day for 30 days.  He also said to 
> take Apple 
> Cider vinegar because of crystals saw in my blood test.  He said 
> vinegar 
> would dissolve the crystals.  I tried one T in my 2 liter water 
> bottle and 
> within a couple days my kidneys really opened up.  I had to get up 3 
> times 
> during the night when I never got up before.
> I also got 7 porcelain crowns after insurance will cost me $35 each. 
>  The 
> border is a good one hour wait coming back to the USA.
> The 10 Chelations lowered the GOT reading but it was still 3 points 
> above 
> their limit of 65.
> Several people getting Chelations are now starting to make their own 
> Cs as I 
> told everyone who would listen about the virtues of Cs.
> Brickey
> --
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