There are other methods to go after the viruses hiding in tissue. One is by
an Iontophoresis device, which I have. Others are by RF (Lachovsky), Rife
  UVBI (ultraviolet blood irradiation) is very effective against blood borne
infections. See Dr. William Campbell Douglass M.D.
  Ozone therapy is yet another. And, there are certain herbal preparations
that play hell on viruses, and cancer. One is called C-Herb. I've used it
many times. It works by exposing the protein sheath that protects the virus
from detection by the immune system, thereby allowing it's destruction by
the body's NK cells. Warts, moles....anything this is a non-self cell,
including Hepatitis C.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Darrin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

> Marsha:
> It sounds to me like your lyme disease has flared up as the symptoms are
> the same.
> I've had lyme for forty some years and assure you that you never kill it
> completely. It hides in dryer tissues such as the lymph system and
> flares up with a trauma or some other unknown reason.
> My lyme was cured so I thought, for the last two years. A month and a
> half ago I bumped my knee against some concrete. Not hard enough to
> cause a bruise, only made it a little sore. I went ahead and had my
> seven mile bicycle ride for the day. Later that day my knee started to
> swell to about triple normal size.
> When that happens that quick it explodes the tissues from inside and
> makes it take a long time to heal completely. I started taking six
> ounces of CS every half hour, in two days the swelling was starting to
> go down. I kept on the dosage for another day and at the end of the
> first week the swelling was gone, but it took another six weeks to
> return to 100 percent.
> Always in the past when one knee went ballistic the other would follow
> before the first one quit.
> You had lyme disease so you still have lyme disease, CS can only kill
> what is in the blood stream and when it hides elsewhere it can launch an
> attack at any time. The constant use of CS will usually keep it at bay
> but you have to be ready to launch the big guns ( frequent dosage ) to
> drive it back when an attack happens.
> Dave
>   This is the second time to try to send this,I wish I could figure out
> how to operate a computer :)
> --
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